
Caridina cantonensis

Caridina cantonensis used to cover tigershrimp, crystal bee shrimp and others, but now those belong to different species.

Although commonly reffered to as Caridina serrata, Tangerine tigers and Aura Blue are actually Caridina cantonensis according to Andreas Karge who had the microscope out for examination.

Aura blue:
One of my favourites. It has become more available and affordable and is really a stunning type. Very variable but with selection you can really get strong colours.
I keep mine at 250 µs/cm. but they have no problem in water up to at least 450 µs/cm.

Tangerine tiger:
Quite common in the hobby and inexpensive, but none the less a pretty shrimp! I keep mine in straight tapwater at 450 µs/cm. and pH 7,5.

Red tüpfel:
Probably a cantonensis-type, but not confirmed. Seems a slower breeder than the two above but very nice colour! I keep them in 250 µs/cm.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello,

    My tap water is around 75 µs/cm. What is the best way to raise it up to 250 µs/cm?

    Thank you!
