
Interesting shrimp I used to keep

Caridina babaulti "Stripes":

Babaulti "green", "Malaya" and "stripes" I have kept a few times with varying success. Perhaps my tanks are too cold?

Paracaridina haivanensis "Princess bee":

I kept these for a few years and when settled they breed like rabbits. They can be sensitive during transportation though, or when moved between tanks.
The main reason why I gave them up was to make room for something else.

Caridina rubropunctata:

Really pretty species from Vietnam. Unfortunately they did not last long and are apparently very sensitive, at least from what I hear combined with personal experience.

Caridina sp. Pseudogalaxy:

These came as contaminants in the first batch of Caridina sp. Galaxy Tiger I bought in december 2014. Contrary to the Galaxy Tiger, these breed readily in my tapwater and softer water. They seem very hardy and are also quite large.
I sent some to Andreas Karge for investigation. They belong to the cantonensis-group and differs from Galaxy Tiger in colouration and the spines on the 5th. pair of legs.

Paracaridina meridionalis (zijinica) "Sandhummel":

Very pretty in it's own discrete way and quite prolific species when kept in the right conditions (soft water).

I decided to let them go when cutting back in 2016. A difficult choice but there is simply not room for everything!

Caridina cf. cantonensis "Red Tüpfel":

Initially I though these would be just as hardy and easy as Aura blue, but I was wrong. They never really had a breakthough in my tanks with their breeding and eventually I was left with 2 females thay gor involved in a crossing project.

Caridina venusta:

The nicest of the numerous wild "hummels" imported from south China. 

Paracaridina sp. Caverna:

Fantastic looking shrimp imported as contaminant to Caridina rubropunctata. For me they proved difficult. Not a single egg for a year. 

Caridina sp. Stardust:

This extremely hyped shrimp started at 100 euros/pcs and dropped to below 10 within a year. Very nice wildtype, especially mature females. Very prolific. I kept them for a while but felt they were difficult to maintain at a good quality.

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