
About me

My name is Kim Kastberg and I live i Holstebro, Denmark with my wife and two sons.

I was born in 1979 and as far back as I remember, I have been fascinated by water and everything in it. I have kept fish and critters in tubs and buckets in the garden and of course in tanks. Coldwater fish, tropical fish, invertebrates and so on has been my main interest as far back as I remember.

At one time I was running 125 tanks, but that was too much so now I am down to around 30 which is working for me.

Since 2002 Corydoras has been the main part of it. Shrimp has been there for almost as long and have now taken over as all fish are gone due to lack of time.

I have been breeding killifish, tetras, Cyprinids and others on and off too.

Previously I used to do a lot of fishing, but that is scaled down to one or two trips a year. The memories remain though :)

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